

TOGETHER WE CAN STOP IT  Domestic abuse.

HIGHLAND COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP (VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN)  Gillian Gunn, Training & Development Manager. Tel: 01463 704724 Email: gillian.gunn@nhs.net

AMINA - The Muslim Women's Resource centre

THE MORAL COMPASS FOUNDATION  Promoting interfaith dialogue and community cohesion by celebrating the common moral compass.

QUAKERS IN SCOTLAND   Quakerism is a non-credal religion, with Christian roots, whose worship is based on silence and listening to the spirit.  Quakers practise truth, equality and simplicity and pursue paths leading to peace.

INTERFAITH SCOTLAND   Interfaith Scotland aims to raise awareness of the different faith communities and to build good relations between persons of different spiritual beliefs and none through dialogue, understanding and cooperation.

HIGHLAND SPIRITUAL CINEMA   A member-led film group with an interest in films that inspire and uplift, that both entertain and inform.

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